Prostate Cancer Calculator

Predicting and monitoring disease progression for patients treated with radiation therapy.

The programs on this website are designed to be useful for patients who were treated with or are contemplating treatment with external beam radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer. The calculators will provide predictions about future disease progression.


The calculation and information presented are derived from the results of analyses of data from 6 different studies, on over 5000 patients. In principle the calculator is only applicable to men who are similar to those seen in these studies. For more information click here.


The predictions are for an average or typical patient, individual patients can be quite different from this average patient. The information presented is intended to help the patient and physician decide on what action to take. No specific actions are recommended as any decision should be an individual choice based upon a patient-physician relationship.


  1. Predicting future PSA values using baseline characteristics

  2. Predicting future disease progression using baseline characteristics and post-treatment PSA values

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